
MACS - Podcast - Daniel Turner


Démêler les pinceaux

Episode 11: Daniel Turner

MACS - Vue du Grand-Hornu


If you travel by train, it's free!
Open every day

From Tuesday to Sunday, from 10.00am to 6.00pm (closed on Mondays)
Except for preparing and taking down exhibitions


Free guided visits

In French
At 2.00pm from Tuesday to Friday
At 11.00am and 2.00pm on Sundays 


Getting to the MACS
> 15 minutes from Mons
> 50 minutes from Lille
> 1h from Brussels

The MACS is established in the heart of the former Grand-Hornu colliery, a jewel of Belgian industrial heritage that has been listed since 2012 by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Learn more

The entry ticket enables you to visit the MACS, the CID (Centre for Innovation and Design) and the historic site, a witness to the region’s mining past. 

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